Friday, August 13, 2010

Our First Meeting

Thanks to everyone who was able to come. It was a good first meeting and we were able to get some good creative juices flowing. We have an assignment for our first months song. Here it is. The title of the song is "I Should Have Known" or "Should Of Known", or "Shoulda' Known" or some close variation. It will be very interesting to see the different songs that pop up from the same title. If you absolutely cant think of a song with that title, shame on you, but bring something anyways so we can hear whatever you are working on.

I will be adding anyone who wants to be able to make posts. So this can be a place to throw up some lyrics and get some feed back. Thanks


Monday, July 19, 2010


Theres not much here right now, But this blog is for posting lyrics for feedback. Everyone going to the meetings is encouraged to post lyrics, recordings and generally keep the songwriting discussion going all month long. Enjoy. And I'll see you on Thursday.
